Below you will find a list of fees for our basic services. We are happy to provide a more detailed estimate including other services based on your pet's specific medical needs and situation. We offer many other services such as on-site blood work, x-rays, ultrasound evaluation, skin testing, urinalysis, pharmacy, minor surgery, microchipping, euthanasia, and chronic disease management and monitoring. If you have questions about vaccination and recommended annual testing or would like to discuss other services please give us a call, text, or email.
Housecall (Calls outside our normal service area will be additional)
Head to Tail Exam
Annual Heartworm/Tick Combination Test
FeLV/FIV Test (Feline Leukemia & AIDS)
Annual Fecal GI Parasite Test
Rabies 1yr Vaccine
Rabies 3yr Vaccine
$36 (Must have proof of non-expired previous rabies vaccine)
DHLPP Vaccine (Canine Distemper combo with Lepto)
DHPP Vaccine (Canine Distemper combo)
$35.87 (only for dogs with a history of vaccine allergic reactions or under 10 weeks old or under 10 lbs)
Lepto Vaccine (Recommended for outside dogs, farm dogs, and hiking dogs)
Lyme Vaccine (Highly recommended for all dogs in this geographic area)
Bordetella Vaccine (Recommended for dogs that visit dog parks, groomers, or need to be boarded)
Influenza Vaccine (Recommended for dogs that visit dog parks, groomers, or need to be boarded)
FeLV Vaccine (Leukemia vaccine is recommended for all cats that spend time outdoors)
FVRCP Vaccine
$20.58 (indoor cats only)
Nail Trim